Tuesday, December 09, 2008

BPN 1281 Scienar (1): Science and Arts

I am off to Italy; to the University of Calabria to be more precise. There we will have th kick-off meeting of the new EU project with the acronym SCIENAR. It will be an interesting project about scientific scenarios and arts or to be more precise about maths and arts. Oh my goodness, here I am with my theological and philosophical background!

The main objective of the project is to stimulate the creativity of artists by means of the creation of innovative scientific scenarios, based on mathematic models. In particular, we intend to create an environment, constituted by three scientific scenarios, concerning: the theory of relativity, the symmetries and the geometry. These scenarios will be enriched with functionality and digital technologies for producing art objects. They will bring together researchers and artists currently involved in this field, promoting the interchange of ideas and their implementation.

In this way the project intends:
- To make more visible and accessible to all the use of state-of-the-art technology to make European performing art;
- To improve the access and the participation in culture and in new technologies for citizens of the EU, including young, elderly and people with physical impediments;
- To support cooperation activities between cultural operators, scientific and technological experts, for spreading European culture also through events and spreading activities.

The project activities, having duration of 24 months, are:
- Analysis, formalization and development of scientific scenarios
in this phase scientiifc scenarios will be defined and formalized. Also their functionalities will be individuated.
- Utilization of scientific scenarios for producing objects having artistic and cultural value. Cultural operators, artists, researchers and scientific experts will be involved in order to give artistic and cultural value to the produced artefacts and to evaluate them.
- Spreading of this new approach. Events (intercultural exchanges and exibitions) to spread the produced artistic items will be carry out. Intercultural exchanges will be very stressed. In fact in the second project year (2008 – European year of intercultural dialogue) intercultural exchanges among cultural players (it is not necessary that they play the same typology of activity) will be developed, by organizing interactive dialogues and informative tables.
- Results diffusion. This activity consists in:
- To design and to development of a CD containing the achieved results;
- To publicise the achieved results;
- To create of a web site supporting result diffusion;
- Constitution of an international network concerning Scientific Scenarios and Art. The network will potentiate the synergies and contacts already existing by creating news reference point and contacts.

Blog Posting Number: 1281

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